Are you also one of those dog owners who is not happy about leaving the dog at home? We know it well ourselves. Fortunately, there are dog-friendly restaurants and cafes, so you can have fun with your dog and at the same time get something delicious to eat or drink. Read our article on dog-friendly restaurants where your dog is welcome.

We have contacted dog-friendly restaurants and cafés in the Copenhagen area and asked them what makes them dog-friendly. Read on below and see the full list on Google Maps here .
Dog-friendly restaurants Copenhagen
Restaurant Allegade 10
At restaurant Allegade 10 in Copenhagen, it is said that the dogs can eventually find their way to the restaurant themselves – at least the restaurant itself says so. If you pass the restaurant, you and your four-legged best friend are very welcome in the courtyard and the bar, which is the front of the restaurant. At restaurant Allegade 10, they are actually so dog-loving that they offer dogs a small snack in the form of either meatballs or beef served with a bowl of water next to it, so your dog does not have to thirst. After your visit to the restaurant, you can take a walk around Frederiksberg Garden, which is close to the restaurant.
Dog-friendly cafe Copenhagen
The Blue Dog
Den Blå Hund is just one of the dog-friendly cafés that Copenhagen has to offer. The name of the café comes from a Gnags record from 1984, but the café is also quite fond of dogs. They welcome dogs, however, they should be outside – but in good weather or with a thick jacket on, it should not be a problem. The Blue Dog would love to find a bowl of water for the thirsty dogs that come to visit.

Nina’s Naturcafé in Allerød
If you need to get a little outside Copenhagen, you can visit Nina’s Naturcafé in Allerød. The owner Nina is very fond of dogs, and she welcomes all dog owners and their dogs on the terrace as long as the dog is on a leash. Does your dog need to burn off some energy after the café visit? Hundeskoven Tokkekøb Hegn is located about 1 km. from Nina’s Naturcafé by Kongevejen between Holte and Hillerød.
Get inspiration for other dog-friendly restaurants and cafes
Are you interested in sniffing out other dog-friendly restaurants and cafes? Add dog-friendly restaurants and cafés to our list ” Dog-friendly restaurants in DK – MÆT Pets “ via Google Maps. At the same time, you help other dog owners find dog-friendly restaurants and cafes. All you have to do is log in to Google Maps via your phone and then press ‘Join’ to contribute to the list of dog-friendly restaurants and cafés that Denmark has to offer. That way, you can quickly, easily and in a manageable way find and plan your next visit to a dog-friendly restaurant or café.

Good advice for visits to dog-friendly restaurants and cafes
- As a starting point, it is always a good idea to call the place where you are bringing your dog so you know if there is anything you need to be aware of .
- Keep your dog on a leash so you are always in control of it.
- Bring water if the restaurant can not offer it for dogs.
- If you and your dog are going inside a restaurant, you should always call and ask if dogs are allowed indoors.
- Your dog must not be a nuisance to other guests (or dogs) at the restaurant.
Kaninchenwürfel (200g)109,00 kr.
Entenwürfel (200g)99,00 kr.
Pferdewürfel (200g)109,00 kr.
Hühnerherzen (200g)69,00 kr.
Rinderherz (200g)99,00 kr.
Schweineohren (5 Stück)89,00 kr.
Rinderlunge (200g)99,00 kr.
Brotzeitbox299,00 kr. – 699,00 kr.
Hühnerhals – Hühnerhälse69,00 kr.
Do you need treats for your dog during your visit to a dog-friendly restaurant or for the walk there? Then try our low-fat chicken snacks made from natural and pure Nordic ingredients. They have a crispy and delicious texture that your dog is guaranteed to love putting his teeth into!
Bon appetite
Team MÆT hopes that you and your four-legged friend have a lot of cozy moments at a dog-friendly restaurant. If you need tips on what other activities you can do with your dog, we have written articles about dog forests and dog training for your walk. So there is enough to go to war with.
Welcome and enjoy your visit to dog-friendly restaurants.